The Administrative Board brings together the church’s Committees, staff, and members-at-large to coordinate the work we do as a congregation. The Administrative Board meets every other month from October to June.
The board of trustees have the supervision, oversight, and care of all real property owned by the local church and of all property and equipment acquired directly by the local church.
The Staff Parish Relations Committee works with the pastor and other staff members to effectively fulfill legal and ethical responsibilities related to staff and to manage the ministry of the West Chelmsford United Methodist Church.
The committee meets annually with the District Superintendent to discuss the church profile, staff salaries and, when necessary, changes in pastoral appointments. Confidentiality is a core value that must be endorsed by all members.
The Missions Committee ministries are supported through congregational service and donations from the church to serve the local, national and international community. The following are the current missions:
Justice for Our Neighbors (JFON)
The Open Pantry of Greater Lowell
United Methodist Action Reach-out Mission for Youth (U.M.ARMY)
Anti-Racism/Racial Justice Task Force
The Finance Committee provides stewardship of the financial resources of the church and works together to develop and to implement the annual Pledge Campaign to fund the church’s programs and operations.
The Finance Committee meets monthly from September to May to report the status of the budget and all church funds. The Finance Committee develops written policies for internal controls to be used by the church with regard to handling, recording, and tracking incoming and outgoing funds. We also ensure that an independent annual audit of the church financial operations is conducted.
Our mission is to enhance the worship experience for everyone attending. But what is worship? Is it singing, praying, meditating, witnessing, dancing, or just listening? In truth it is all these things. Our Worship Committee makes sure Communion is prepared, flowers are present for each Sunday and seasonal service, greets everyone on Sunday and makes sure that everything goes smoothly during worship. We are responsible for creating the visual themes for every season. Our Tech Team allows us to reach worshipers anywhere in the world with our Zoom and previous service viewing on YouTube. Check out our new Messy Church program. Join us for a journey worth taking. For it leads to…God only knows where.
The mission of the Congregational Care Committee is to provide support and caring to our church family. This group also works closely with other church committees to enhance the growth and vitality of our church. Sub-groups out of this committee are the following:
Cards for Caring
Fiber Arts Group/Prayer Shawls
Prayer Chain
Coordination of meals for emergencies and events